Black Bush 2014

Black Bush
19th June 2014
Sponsored by Mick McKenna
Leo Lennon Maher Mick McKenna
Leo Lennon Maher collects the top prize from Mick McKenna
Photo album here
          Name H’cap   Score
  Overall Winner:
Leo Lennon Maher
Tony Hughes
39 pts (41 – 2)
39 pts
  Class 1:
(up to 16)

Damien Whelan
William Fitzgerald
Fionán McDonagh

36 pts
33.5 pts (34 – 0.5)
33 pts (34 – 1)
  Class 2:
(17 – 20)
Tom Hickey
Leo Harte
Sean Pelan
38.5 pts (40 – 1.5)
38 pts
36 pts
  Class 3:
(21 + )
Eamon Fee
Pat Edwards
Brian Grogan
37 pts
37 pts
35 pts
  Best Front 9:
Best Back 9:
Nearest the Pin:
Dan O’Shea
Alec Corcoran
Paul O’Gorman
21 pts
20 pts (count back)

470 cm (15 ft 5 ins)
  Visitors’ Prize:   Ben McDonagh (18) 33 pts
Explanation of deductions here
(deductions do not apply to Player of the Year scores)

    2s Club –   Four winners  –  €21 each
  Alec Corcoran, William Fitzgerald, Leo Lennon Maher & Jim Murray
  Well done to our President William Fitzgerald who had a 2 on the par 4 first hole.
Members Played:  43  Visitors:  3   Total:  46
Par: 72   SSS:   70 (38 pts)
Players who hold CONGU (GUI or ILGU) handicaps are obliged
to return scores equal to or better than SSS to their home club