Captain’s Day 2014

Captain’s Day
Captain Noel Murray
Carton House – O’Meara Course
17th July 2014
 John Smyth
The winner John Smyth receiving
the trophy from Captain Noel Murray
          Name H’cap   Score
  Overall Winner:
      John Smyth
Brian Smith
  43 pts
40.5 pts (42 – 1.5)
  Class 1:
(up to 16)
  Kieran O’Brien
Gary Doherty
Mick McKenna
  39 pts
37 pts
37 pts (count back)
  Class 2:
(17 – 20)
  Jim Flynn
Leo Harte
Rory Toal
  38.5 pts (40 – 1.5)
36 pts (37 – 1.0)
35 pts (count back)
  Class 3:
(21 plus)
  Gay Smith
Eamon Field
Dan O’Shea
  38 pts (39 – 1.0)
37 pts
35 pts (38 – 3.0)
  Best Front 9:
Best Back 9:
Nearest the Pin:
Longest Drive:
Nearest the pin in 2:
  Norbert Kellett
Bernard Tully
Brian Smith
Ciaran Kelly (V)
Jim Murray
  21 pts
20 pts
30 cms (a foot)
305 metres (334 yds)
Closer than anyone else
  Visitors’ Prize:       Claudie Fitzgerald (19)   34 pts (count back)
Explanation of deductions here
(deductions do not apply to Player of the Year scores)
     2s Club  winners : 2        Pot: €98       €49  each
Kieran O’Brien (16th) & Brian Smith (16th)
Members Played: 56   Visitors:  7 Total:   63
Par: 72   SSS:   70 (38 pts)
Players who hold CONGU (GUI or ILGU) handicaps are obliged
to return scores equal to or better than SSS to their home club
Outing sponsored by Guinness
Nearest the Pin and Longest Drive sponsored by Carton House

Nearest the Pin in Two sponsored by Paul O’Gorman